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Meeting Planning Pages

This is the CSS Working Group's planning space. See also How to host a CSS Working Group meeting.

Weekly Telecons

Upcoming Meetings

  • 2018
  • 2019
    • February-ish meeting
      • Even spacing between TPAC 2018 and TPAC 2019 suggests week of February 11
      • no current confirmed hosting offer, but some are under investigation
        • Likely the last week of Feb, possibly second week (in Waikiki)
      • Chinese New Year is Tuesday February 5
      • possible conflict with TAG meeting around the same dates
    • May/June-ish meeting
      • Even spacing between TPAC 2018 and TPAC 2019 suggests the week of May 27 or June 3
      • Mozilla offered to host in Toronto (could not go *later* than week of June 3 due to Mozilla All-Hands, but could go earlier than May 27, still need to confirm room availability for final dates)
      • Monday May 27 is a US holiday (Memorial Day)
      • possible conflict with TAG meeting around the same dates
      • conflict with conference in Amsterdam, June 13-14 (Tab)
      • Do we need to avoid conflict with Google I/O? When is it?
    • TPAC at Fukuoka 16-20 Sept

Past Meetings





2015 Meeting Planning


2014 Meeting Planning


2013 meeting planning


2012 meeting planning





planning.1536164811.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/05 09:26 by astearns
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