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Planning Pages

This is the CSS Working Group's planning space.

Weekly Telecons


Charter 2011

2011 proposed charter through 2013-05-13:

Suggested updates:

  • CSS3 Paged Media should be listed as in-scope – fantasai 2011-04-19
  • CSS Grid Layout should be added as medium priority – fantasai 2011-04-19
  • CSSOM should be low priority – fantasai 2011-04-19
  • JLREQ should be under Maintenance – fantasai 2011-04-19
  • CSS3 Speech is Medium Priority (has an editor, being worked on, likely to move to Last Call within the year.) – fantasai 2011-04-19
  • CSS4-UI should be included as medium priority with myself as advocate/editor – Tantek 2011-04-21
  • CSS3 Fullscren should be included as medium priority with myself as advocate/editor – Tantek 2011-04-21
  • CSS Regions should be added as medium or high priority – Vincent Hardy 2011-04-25
  • CSS Line Grid should be added as medium priority with myself as advocate/editor – Koji Ishii 2011-04-26

Upcoming Meetings

Past Meetings

planning.1309365707.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/09 15:48 (external edit)
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