Test Case Submissions

This page is the index of a test review and submission system.

You need to be logged in to submit a test case. You can create an account on this wiki, or use an OpenID login. (Yahoo and AOL accounts have OpenID.) To submit a test case submit this form and fill out the title, url, and contributor fields.

Test submissions are subject to the review process. A test, once submitted (see below), can be accepted and recommended for inclusion or rejected for various reasons by changing the submission status. The reviewer should add a comment with rationale whenever changing the test status. A typical review process is diagrammed below:

Review Process Diagram

Each test submitted into this system has a status. Possible status tags are:

The test case has been submitted for review
The test case is testing something that is out-of-scope for this module and is therefore rejected for inclusion.
The test case is testing behavior which is ambiguous or not-yet-resolved in the spec, so acceptance is pending resolution of a spec issue.
The test case is a duplicate of an existing test case in the test suite and is therefore rejected for inclusion
The test case needs further work before it is ready for inclusion, and should be resubmitted once the requested improvements have been made. (The reviewer setting this status must explain what problems the testcase has.)
The test case has been resubmitted for review after previous review comments have been addressed.
The test case has passed review and is recommended for inclusion in the test suite.
The test case has been approved by a test suite Peer. Someone with write access needs to check it in.
The test case has been reviewed, approved, and checked in. (The test case URL should be updated to match the official w3.org copy.)

You don't need to be logged in to review testcases and make recommendations in the comment system, but you will need to be logged in to change the status tag. An OpenID login is sufficient for that.

Submitted Test Cases

Using named pages - block boxes with different page properties are split onto different pagesSubmittedTom ClancyRev2320http://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/page-name-003.xht
CSS Test: page-break-before: leftSubmittedTom ClancyRev2060, PageBreakshttp://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/page-break-before-003.xht
CSS Test: @page border property physical unitsSubmittedTom ClancyRev0180http://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/at-page-rule-002-p.xht
CSS Test: @page border property pointsSubmittedTom ClancyRev0170http://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/at-page-rule-002-o.xht
CSS Test: @page page-break-inside not inheritedSpecIssueTom ClancyRev2230http://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/page-break-inside-005.xht
CSS Test: Vertical-align affects layout of margin boxesDuplicateTom ClancyRev1930http://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/mbox-vertical-align-000.xht
CSS Test: Margin Boxes - BottomAcceptedTom ClancyRev1530, DimensionOfMarginBoxesBottomRow, MarginBoxeshttp://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/page-mbox-018-b.xht
CSS Test: page-break-after: autoAcceptedTom ClancyRev2110, PageBreaks, BreaksAfterhttp://test.csswg.org/svn/submitted/css2.1/page/page-break-after-005.xht
CSS Test: page-break-before explicit auto testDuplicateTom ClancyRev2000, PageBreaks, BreakBeforehttp://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/page-break-before-007-b.xht
CSS Test: Image Position Syntax - Visual MediaAcceptedTom ClancyRev3000http://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/image-position-004.xht
CSS Test: Image Position Syntax - InheritanceAcceptedTom ClancyRev2990http://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/image-position-003.xht
CSS Test: @page page-break-inside (inline elements)NeedsWorkTom ClancyRev2220http://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/page-break-inside-002.xht
CSS Test: Image Position Syntax - Replaced Elements OnlyAcceptedTom ClancyRev2980http://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/image-position-002.xht
CSS Test: Image Position Syntax - Initial ValueAcceptedTom ClancyRev2970http://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/image-position-001.xht
CSS Test: Image Fit - Overflow determines how to render content outside a replaced element's boxSubmittedTom ClancyRev2950http://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/image-fit-011.xht
CSS Test: Image Fit - Laying out image when image-fit is 'contain' and max-height is setDuplicateTom ClancyRev2910http://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/image-fit-007-c.xht
CSS Test: Image Fit - Laying out image when image-fit is 'contain' and max-width is setDuplicateTom ClancyRev2900http://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/image-fit-007-b.xht
CSS Test: Image Fit - Height and width are independent when image-fit is 'contain' and no max-width or max-height is setDuplicateTom ClancyRev2890http://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/image-fit-007-a.xht
CSS Test: Image Fit - Height and width are independent when image-fit is 'fill'AcceptedTom ClancyRev2880http://test.csswg.org/svn/submitted/css3-page/image-fit-006.xht
CSS Test: Image Fit - 'fill', explicit 'height'/'width'DeletedTom ClancyRev2870http://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/image-fit-005.xht
CSS Test: Image Fit - The initial value of the 'image-fit' property is 'fill'AcceptedTom ClancyRev2820http://test.csswg.org/svn/submitted/css3-page/image-fit-001.xht
CSS Test: Image Orientation - Negative ValuesAcceptedTom ClancyRev2790, Images, ImageOrientationhttp://test.csswg.org/svn/submitted/css3-page/img-orient-012.xht
CSS Test: page-break-after: autoDeletedTom ClancyRev2100, PageBreaks, BreaksAfterhttp://www.revenutiontesting.com/w3c/page-break-after-005-a.xht
Test TitleSubmittedhttp://www.example.com/test-topic-000.xht
test/css2.1/submit.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/09 15:48 by
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