The most recent charter says this about incubation and the Web Platform Incubator Community Group:
“The CSS WG may incubate speculative new work in the WICG, and may adopt promising CSS work developed in WICG, provided that RF patent commitments are in place for such work.”
We will some times take new work from WICG, some times start new work in the WICG, and other times start new work in the CSSWG. There are existing 'incubation' steps in the CSSWG (pre-WD documents, level+1 specs, author/user surveys) that we should continue to use and socialize with WICG.
The venue for new work should be evaluated based on open criteria. The lists below are suggestions on what those criteria could be. The items are merely meant to inform a decision on the venue, not to provide a scoring mechanism. Some of the items will be more or less important depending on the feature at hand.
Considerations for incubation within CSSWG
Considerations for incubation outside of the CSSWG