CSSWG meeting at TPAC 2024

TPAC 2024 is scheduled for 23-27 September 2024 in Anaheim, California, United States with options for both in-person and remote participation.

  • CSSWG F2F: Thursday-Friday, 26-27 September 09:00-18:00.
  • Monday 23 Sep, 09:00 - 10:30, joint meeting with Immersive Web WG
  • Monday 23 Sep, 14:00 - 16:00, joint meeting with WHATWG
  • Monday 23 Sep, 16:30 - 18:00, joint meeting with Accessible Platform Architectures WG
  • Tuesday 24 Sep, 09:30 – 12:30, Styleable form controls (CSS, WHATWG, OpenUI)
  • Tuesday 24 Sep, 16:30 - 18:00, joint meeting with Internationalization WG

Covid Protocols

(resolved on July 24)

  • Masks required in the meeting room Thursday and Friday, can be removed only while actively eating/drinking
  • COVID testing before arrival, and daily before meetings
  • Outdoor dining encouraged, weather permitting
  • Strong recommendation to wear a mask during your entire travel journey (onboard a flight, train or federally-regulated vessel, as well as in airports and other points of entry) except for brief periods while eating, drinking, or taking oral medication, or unless otherwise exempt




Please note that signing up here is not enough; you must register for TPAC itself (see registrants list).

Also see the TPAC-wide Meeting Taxis wiki.

(sorted by first name)

Name Affiliation Dates Accomodation Other
Alan Stearns Adobe
Alison Maher Microsoft All Sheraton Park
David Baron Google All ? arrive LAX Sun 15:18, depart LAX Fri 21:30
Emilio Cobos Mozilla
Eric Meyer Igalia
fantasai Apple All Venue
Noam Rosenthal Google All
Rachel Andrew Google All
Rob Flack Google All
Tantek Çelik Mozilla All @tantek.com@tantek.com
Yehonatan Daniv Wix All Venue


Name Affiliation Timezone PDT (UTC-7) Availability Other Notes
Rune Lillesveen Google CET Before lunch


Name Affiliation

CSSWG TPAC Registrant List

planning/tpac-2024.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/04 11:01 by tantek
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