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How to host a CSS Working Group meeting

To host a CSS meeting, you MUST provide:

  • A meeting room where the group can meet, without needing to sign any NDA or other agreement.
  • Chairs for people to sit in and tables for them to put their laptops at, which SHOULD be arranged in a U shape, such that the participants can easily hear each other speak
  • electricity for everybody's laptops (probably assume greater than 1 device per person average)
  • network connectivity that allows at least access to Web, IRC, and email, and preferably also skype/VoIP
  • A projection screen easily visible from all the chairs, and preferably to which anyone in any of the chairs can project from their seats
  • Either a whiteboard or flipchart that people can draw on, also visible from all the seats.
  • Telephone access, preferaby a multi-microphone conference phone

You also SHOULD provide:

  • food and drinks for during the meeting (or have them otherwise reasonably available). (More details here.)
planning/hosting.1370393669.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/09 15:48 (external edit)
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