Cupertino F2F January 2025


  • Host: Apple
  • Location: One Apple Park Way, Cupertino CA 95014, USA
    • Visitor entrance is at Tantau Reception Center, 10503 North Tantau Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014. This is adjacent to the intersection of North Tantau Avenue and Pruneridge Avenue.
    • If you're driving there, the visitor parking is in an underground garage whose entrance is at this point, adjacent to the Apple Park Visitor Center, 10600 North Tantau Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014. This is just across North Tantau Avenue from the visitor entrance.
  • Weather Forecast: ⁰C or ⁰F, Current Weather Conditions: ⁰C or ⁰F
  • Dates: Wednesday 29 January - Friday 31 January 2025
  • Times: 8am-4pm
  • Airports:
    • SJC - San Jose Airport (16km drive, closest, be careful to use correct airport code)
    • SFO - San Francisco Airport (54km drive, major hub)
    • OAK - Oakland Airport (69km drive)


In-Person Participants

(alphabetical by first name)

Name Arrival Departure Hotel Dietary Restrictions Flights or Other Notes
fantasai ? ? ? GF host
bramus ? ? ? - -
rachelandrew ? ? ? GF + pescatarian allergies -
Florian ? ? ? - -

Virtual Participants

Please list your availability in California time (morning/afternoon/all or specific time ranges). See Time Converter

Name Timezone PST Availability Other Notes
David Baron America/New_York 8:00-14:30 attendence hopeful but uncertain, possibly leaving in the middle


planning/cupertino-2025.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/03 23:55 by florian
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