This is an old revision of the document!


Latest edits/resolutions, see the editors draft:

Closed issues, see:

Postponed issues:

See also:

Work Mode

This issues page is key to the work mode of CSS3-UI.

Steps to PR

  • √ Publish draft as resolved in 2005-01-21 telcon
  • Continue resolving/editing per General Steps
  • √ Resolve all issues 2014 or before and make edits
  • Put out call for test cases - noting substantial feature stability
  • Publish draft with all 2014 or before issues resolved
  • Resolve/reject new 2015 issues as appropriate for an LCCR
  • Publish LCCR
  • Get feature coverage in test cases (or consider dropping at-risk features)
  • Collect/process issues raised from test / implementation interactions
  • Publish a PR with subset of features that interoperate, dropping at-risk features as necessary

General Steps

General steps in rough order:

Current Issues

The following are open issues in/with the 17 Jan 2012 CSS3-UI Working Draft, and/or the latest CSS3-UI Editor's Draft.

There are currently no known issues with this specification.

Issue 96

Clarify the at-risk section
Raised by
Proposed Resolution
Attempt to clarify
2015-06-10 WG telcon resolved up to editors.

Issue new: 99

spec unclear as to what the limits of the area where the cursor should apply are when using border-radius
Raised by
Florian Rivoal
Proposed Resolution
clarify that the edge of the applicable area follow the border radius, to match implementations

Issue new: 100

Raised by
Tantek Çelik
Proposed Resolution :
Status :

Rejected Issues

Issues Pending edits

The following issues need an edit to be applied to the spec. Most of them have a WG resolution, and those that don't are editorial/non-controversial and don't need a resolution.

  • none currently

Issues Pending dependent edits

Issues that are resolved, and require no specific edits, but are depending on edits for another issue to be completed.

  • none currently


text-overflow for non-latin scripts

Q: Many non latin scripts use something else than 3 dots for the same effect as an ellipsis. How does this work?

A: The current editor's draft allows implementations to use something other than 3 dots:

“Implementations may substitute a more language/script-appropriate ellipsis character.”


text-overflow atomic inlines that would overlap the ellipsis

Q: What should an implementation do when an atomic inline element would overlap the ellipsis marker?

A: Remove it (the atomic inline element(s)) to make room for the ellipsis marker per the CSS3-UI spec (and Opera and IE9 appear to do this already).

css3-ui additional spec improvements

  • Consider adding clarifying examples in spec, adding tests. (per Issue 22)

Resolved Issues

Leaving resolved subheadings here with forward links to W3C wiki to preserve external links to fragments.

Includes closed and rejected issues as well which have been moved

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 13

Issue 18

Issue 19

Issue 20

Issue 21

Issue 22

Issue 23

Issue 24

Issue 25

Issue 26

Issue 28

Issue 29

Issue 30

Issue 31

Issue 32

Issue 33

Issue 34

Issue 35

Issue 37

Issue 38

Issue 39

Issue 40

Issue 41

Issue 42

Issue 43

Issue 44

Issue 46

Issue 47

Issue 48

Issue 49

Issue 50

Issue 51

Issue 52

Issue 53

Issue 54

Issue 56

Issue 57

Issue 58

Issue 59

Issue 60

Issue 61

Issue 62

Issue 63

Issue 64

Issue 65

Issue 66

Issue 67

Issue 68

Issue 69

Issue 70

Issue 71

Issue 72

Issue 73

Issue 74

Issue 75

Issue 76

Issue 77

Issue 78

Issue 79

Issue 81

Issue 82

Issue 83

Issue 84

Issue 85

Issue 86

Issue 87

Issue 88

Issue 89

Issue 90

Issue 91

Issue 92

Issue 93

Issue 94

Issue 95

Issue 97

Issue 98

spec/css3-ui.1434544458.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/17 05:34 by florian
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