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TPAC 2018

Place, Logistics, etc.

  • full TPAC week is 22-26 October 2018
  • CSS WG meeting days are Mon-Tue 22-23 from 9am to 6pm
  • Houdini meeting is Thu 25 October from 09:00-???
  • Lyon, France at the Lyon Convention Center
  • Monday night developer meetup (requires registration)
  • Jiminy Panoz, a Lyon resident (and friend of EPUB and CSS), has posted a guide to Lyon for TPAC attendees


Please, put your name in this table if you plan to participate (alphabetical order by given name):

Name Arrival Departure Hotel Flight info and notes Conflicts
Alan Stearns
Chris Lilley Sunday Sunday
Dave Cramer Sunday Friday PWG most of Tuesday
Dominik Röttsches Sunday evening Thursday evening Marriott Cité Internationale
Emil A Eklund Sunday 16:45 Saturday 06:50 Marriott Cité Internationale BA284+BA362 / BA365+BA285
Eric Willigers Saturday Sunday Crowne Plaza Lyon
fantasai Monday 8:50am Friday-ish Early Monday Morning
Florian Rivoal Sunday Sunday Temporim Lyon Cité Internationale at AC meeting 15h00-17h00 Tuesday
François REMY Sunday TBD
Hiroshi Sakakibara Sunday Saturday
Jen Simmons Sunday Thursday Marriott
Jihye Hong Sunday Saturday ibis Early Monday afternoon
Lea Verou Sunday Sunday
L. David Baron Saturday 16:00 Saturday 17:04 Hôtel le Roosevelt AF83+TGV5119 / TGV6626 probably at TAG roughly 09h00-10h00 Monday; at AC meeting 15h00-17h00 Tuesday
Majid Valipour Sunday FridayAirBnB
Manuel Rego Sunday Thursday's night
Melanie Richards Saturday Sunday Crown Plaza
Myles C. Maxfield
Rachel Andrew Sunday 16:45 Saturday 06:50 Marriott BA362, BA365
Rakina Amni
Rossen Atanassov Sunday Friday Crowne Plaza
Rune Lillesveen Sunday Friday-ish
Simon Fraser ? ?
Surma Sunday Saturday Crowne Plaza
Tab Atkins ? ? ?
Tantek Çelik Monday Thursday Hôtel le Roosevelt
Fuqiao Xue Sunday Saturday
Chris Harrelson Saturday Saturday
Dirk Schulze


- …

See also the current [member-only].

Proposed Agenda




(9am schedule wrangling and introductions)

  • Accessibility API Mappings ( - What it is, how it matters to CSS, when we need to ping a11y people about implications. Focus on display:contents being unexpectedly troublesome. – Alice Boxhall
  • Identify new people to represent the CSSWG in the CSS a11y task force
  • [css-break-4] control space before element depending on page position:

10am - Break

12pm - Lunch


3pm - Joint meeting with the Math on Web Pages CG

3:30pm - break

4pm - Joint meeting with WPT

  • Scroll-linked Animations - Spec is on WICG and Blink now has a partial experimental implementation (majidvp@ can demo). Gathering status and see if there is interest in moving it (or a subset) forward.



(start at 9am - the room will be occupied until then)

10am - Break

11am - Joint meeting with i18n

12pm - Lunch


3:30pm - break



planning/tpac-2018.1540292430.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/23 04:00 by astearns
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