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TPAC 2014

Place, Logistics, etc.

  • 2014-10-27..28 CSS WG f2f during TPAC
  • 2014-10-30 possible joint meeting for some with DPUB either morning or break
  • 2014-10-30 AM joint meeting with SVG WG


Please, put your name in this table if you plan to participate (alphabetical order):

Name Arrival Departure Hotel Flight info and notes
Glenn Adams 26-oct 01-nov S/Y Dreamhunter UA1670
Rossen Atanassov 26-oct 31-oct Hyatt House Santa Clara
Tab Atkins - - local
L. David Baron 27-oct 29-oct sort of local
Bert Bos 26-oct 31-oct Marriott BA287/BA286
Adenilson Cavalcanti - - local
Dave Cramer 22-oct 01-nov Marriott UA 12 Also Books in Browsers
Arron Eicholz 25-oct 31-oct Marriott DL4740
Simon Fraser - - local
fantasai 24-oct 02-nov Mariott United Airlines
Daniel Glazman 24-oct 31-oct Marriott and Avatar AF84/AF83
Dael Jackson 26-oct 01-nov Marriott UA1161
Dean Jackson 26-oct 01-nov Somewhere Somehow
Brad Kemper 27-oct 31-oct my house 880 to 680 to 262
Chris Lilley 25-oct 31-oct marriott BA 287/ BA 286
Peter Linss 25-oct 01-nov Marriott YZF-R1
Michael Miller 26-Oct 01-Nov Marriott UA1750
Shinyu Murakami 22-oct 02-nov Marriott JL002 / JL001
Matt Rakow 26-oct 30-oct Avatar
Florian Rivoal 22-oct 30-oct Marriott
Jacob Rossi 26-oct 30-oct Avatar
Simon Sapin 25-oct 7-nov Avatar Hotel VX933 / EI146
Alan Stearns 26-oct 01-nov Marriott
Lea Verou 26-oct 30-oct Hyatt House Santa Clara US 1705+709, US 895+507
Greg Whitworth 26-oct 30-oct Hyatt House Santa Clara AK Airlines 322

Regrets: jdaggett


Mon AM

  • CSS3-UI
    • Clean up pseudos
    • Add Florian as editor
    • content:icon? Apply to pseudos only? (and why is it called icon?)
  • ::selection
  • MediaQueries
    • continue a11y discussion from last meeting (high-contrast stuff)
    • names of the overflow-* features
    • review of the custom MQ stuff
    • what to call “the ICB or the page area” for the purpose of the overflow-* features
    • scroll-position MQ (don't think we should do it, but we should discuss how to address the use-cases)

Mon PM

  • CSS Sizing: The intrinsic block-size is a lie
  • Floating inline-blocks in a shrink-to-fit context interop issue
  • CSS Grid: fragmentation, collapsing and open issues
  • Status of CSS 2.2 test suite (i.e., tests for the CSS 2.1 errata)
  • Test suites and what spec to focus on next (Hopefully a quick topic)

Tues AM

  • flexbox issues
    • details?
  • Discuss split layout/visual viewport and zoom types (MaRakow)
  • Selectors
    • ::role() proposal
  • status of selectors4 (especially for :dir())
  • CSS Fragmentation update

Tues PM

FxTF (Thursday PM)

  • Filters
    • backdrop effects
    • more primitives?
  • Compositing Blending spec to PR (possible for FX day)
  • Motion Path (FXTF topic)
    • Reference boxes for motion paths

Proposed Topics

  • Scrolling things
  • Status of CSS 2.2 test suite (i.e., tests for the CSS 2.1 errata)
  • Test suites and what spec to focus on next (Hopefully a quick topic)
  • CSS Sizing: The intrinsic block-size is a lie
  • css-animations
  • Floating inline-blocks in a shrink-to-fit context interop issue
  • CSS Grid: fragmentation, collapsing and open issues
  • CSS Fonts:
    • classification of Kai as cursive [jdaggett: don't think this requires group discussion]
    • unicode-range issues
    • Google's font-rendering descriptor for @font-face
    • creating CSS4 Fonts for new work
  • flexbox issues
    • details?
  • Discuss split layout/visual viewport and zoom types (MaRakow)
  • Filters
    • backdrop effects
    • more primitives?
  • Compositing Blending spec to PR (possible for FX day)
  • Selectors
    • ::role() proposal
  • MediaQueries
    • continue a11y discussion from last meeting (high-contrast stuff)
    • names of the overflow-* features
    • review of the custom MQ stuff
    • what to call “the ICB or the page area” for the purpose of the overflow-* features
    • scroll-position MQ (don't think we should do it, but we should discuss how to address the use-cases)
  • CSS Transforms
    • Issue with percentage (e.g. calc(0% + 20px) ) on transform-origin for SVG
    • Feedback on new spec text for 3D rendering (incl. preserve-3d)
    • 3D rendering issues
  • Motion Path (FXTF topic)
    • Reference boxes for motion paths
  • ::selection
  • CSS3-UI
    • Clean up pseudos
    • Add Florian as editor
    • content:icon? Apply to pseudos only? (and why is it called icon?)
  • status of selectors4 (especially for :dir())


Saturday Oct 25 Board Games with Tab:

  • Florian
  • maybe plinss
  • Alan

Saturday Nov 1 Board Games with Tab:

  • Shane

Wednesday Wineries in Saratoga:

  • Florian
  • Shane + lunch
  • Rossen + lunch
  • Bogdan
  • Keshav + lunch
  • Jacob + lunch
  • Greg
  • Dirk + lunch
  • Matt + lunch
  • Simon Sapin + lunch
  • Rik Cabanier + lunch
  • Wilhelm + lunch
  • Lea
  • Chris Lilley
  • Ian + lunch
  • jdaggett [in spirit only…]
  • Adenilson Cavalcanti + lunch
  • Mihnea + lunch
planning/tpac-2014.1414518075.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/09 15:48 (external edit)
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