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Sophia-Antipolis F2F September 2014


September 8–10, 2014


2004, route des Lucioles
France (on OSM)

Meeting room: Kahn 1 & 2

(For correspondance:
BP 93
06902 Sophia-Antipolis


Bert Bos (see member Web site or mailing list for phone numbers)


Please, put your name in this table if you plan to participate (alphabetic order):

Name Arrival Departure Hotel Flight info and notes
Alan Stearns 6 Sept 10 Sept Appt in Antibes
Andrey Rybka
Bert Bos n/a n/a n/a n/a
Chris Lilley n/a n/a n/a n/a
Daniel Glazman 7 Sept 11 Sept Novotel Sophia-Antipolis AF6210 - AF6213
Dave Cramer 7 Sept 11 Sept House in Antibes train from Geneva Lyria #9756
David Baron 7 Sept ?? 11 Sept House in Antibes train / LH1059
Dirk Schulze 6 Sept 10 Sept Novotel Sophia-Antipolis
Edward O'Connor 7 Sept 11 Sept Novotel Sophia-Antipolis Arrive on UA9202/LH1060
fantasai 7 Sept 11 Sept Appt in Antibes EWR→NCE via Zurich - SCNF to Paris
Florian Rivoal 3 Sept 11 Sept Appt in Antibes DY1404 - DY1405
Glenn Adams 7 Sept 15 Sept Novotel Sophia-Antipolis LX528/529
Greg Whitworth 7 Sept 11 Sept Antibes
Ian Kilpatrick 7 Sept 11 Sept Appt in Antibes
Kazutaka Yamamoto 7 Sept 11 Sept TBD NH5416 / NH6050
Peter Linss 6 Sept 10 Sept Novotel Sophia-Antipolis UA903 / LH2275; will rent car
Philippe Le Hegaret 7 Sept 10 Sept DL412; will rent car
Rossen Atanassov 8 Sept 12 Sept Appt in Antibes will rent car; pescaterian
Shane Stephens 7 Sept 11 Sept Appt in Antibes
Simon Pieters 7 Sept 11 Sept House in Antibes DY 4323 - SK 1828; will rent car
Simon Sapin 7 Sept 10 Sept
Steve Zilles 8 Sept 16 Sept Appt in Antibes LH 1058; will rent car
Tab Atkins 7 Sept 11 Sept House in Antibes FLT 1060 landing 2:05pm, BA343 leaving 11:50am


  • Sylvain Galineau (will call in when needed)
  • Jet Villegas
  • Koji Ishii (will call in if possible and when needed)
  • Tantek Çelik
  • Shinyu Murakami
  • Dael Jackson
  • Michael Miller
  • Lea Verou
  • Anton Prowse
  • Adenilson Cavalcanti



Nearest airport is Nice-Côte-d'Azur (location on OSM)


Taxis are expensive, typical rates are €<html>&nbsp;</html>51–57 (from airport to Antibes or Sophia Antipolis). The airport publishes this list of typical prices.

Note: taxis don't take credit cards!


The nearest train station is Antibes.

The nearest station to the airport is Nice Saint-Augustin: about 1 km on foot from Terminal<html>&nbsp;</html>1, or one stop with bus<html>&nbsp;</html>23. However, it is currently not signposted at the airport at all. (The town of Nice has promised to integrate the train better in the transport around the airport, when the tram line from the airport to the center is ready, in a few years…)



Bus<html>&nbsp;</html>230 only on weekdays (PDF schedule) goes from the airport to Sophia Antipolis via the motorway. It stops right in front of INRIA. (Use stop “Caquot“ for hotels Ibis and Mercure; stop “Skema” for hotels Novotel and Oméga). Price: €<html>&nbsp;</html>1.50

Bus<html>&nbsp;</html>250 (PDF schedule) goes from the airport to Antibes via the motorway. Price: €<html>&nbsp;</html>10.

Bus<html>&nbsp;</html>200 (PDF schedule), cheaper but slower, goes from the airport to Antibes (45 min) and Cannes (75 min) and everywhere in between. It stops on the road in front of the airport, not at the airport bus station Price: €<html>&nbsp;</html>1.50


Buses in and around Antibes are operated by Envibus, owned collectively by the various towns in its area of service. Here is a map of the bus lines in Antibes [PDF]. A single ticket costs €<html>&nbsp;</html>1.00. You can buy tickets from the driver or at the bus stops indicated as “gare routière” (or “GR.”).

Bus 1 (PDF schedule) goes between Antibes and Sophia-Antipolis. It has stops, among other places, at INRIA and at the bus station next to the Place de Gaulle in Antibes (rue Dugommier).

Bus 12 (PDF schedule) goes between the railway station and Sophia-Antipolis. It has a stop at INRIA. (On the map, it is still called by its old number: 11.)

Bus 100 only on weekdays (PDF schedule) is the express bus between Antibes and Sophia-Antipolis. It stops in Antibes on the Place de Gaulle and on the road above the railway station (called “Vautrin”). The nearest stop to INRIA is “Templiers.”

A small dictionary to help read the schedules:

  • horaires = time schedule
  • lundi au vendredi = Monday to Friday
  • samedi, samedis = Saturday, Saturdays
  • dimanches et jours fériés = Sundays and official holidays
  • toute l'année = all year round
  • période scolaire = school period
  • période de vacances scolaires = school holiday period
  • sauf = except
  • sauf jours fériés = except on official holidays

Rental cars

Rental car companies at the airport have desks at both terminals. The cars themselves are located in front of Terminal<html>&nbsp;</html>2.

INRIA Campus

There is normally no need to have a visitor's badge if you're only visiting the meeting rooms and the restaurant. Access to all other buildings is restricted.

There is a reception at the entrance gate, where you may want to ask for directions to the right room. However, there is no need to sign in.


There are some hotels at walking distance from INRIA (see below). They are convenient if you come here to work. ☺ After the evening rush, the area is quiet and if you're awoken by a sound, it is probably a wild boar under your window.

On the other hand, if you take a hotel in one of the surrounding towns (Antibes, Biot, Valbonne, Mougins, Cannes, etc.), you're sure to have interesting restaurants around you and, especially in Antibes, a number of bars.

Nice is the big town in the area. From the center of Nice to INRIA is about 24 km.

Hotels at walking distance:



Wifi only. You will get a personal login, so make sure you register in the table above!

There is also an Eduroam network, for those who have such an account.


France uses the Euro (abbreviation: EUR; sign: €). Here is a form for the currency converter at Oanda:

<HTML> <form action=“”> <input type=hidden name=user value=printable><input type=hidden name=lang value=en><input name=exch size=3 value=“USD”><input name=value size=4 value=100>&#8594;<input name=expr size=3 value=“EUR”> <input type=submit value=“convert”> </form> </HTML>


Electricity in France is 230<html>&nbsp;</html>V, 50<html>&nbsp;</html>Hz. Laptops normally come with a power supply that handles everything from 110<html>&nbsp;</html>V to 230<html>&nbsp;</html>V. That may not be the case for other devices.

Sockets: CEE 7/5 (a.k.a. Type E): 220px-french-power-socket.jpg

Ungrounded plugs: CEE 7/16 (a.k.a. Europlug or Type C): 220px-euro-flachstecker_2.jpg

Grounded plugs: CEE 7/7: 220px-cee_7-7.jpg or CEE 7/5 (a.k.a. Type E): 220px-pure_french_power_plug.jpg

Touristic tips

Antibes-Juan-les-Pins (see tourist office):

  • Picasso Museum (also work by De Staël and others)
  • Peynet Museum (drawings; temporary exhibition about newspaper cartoons from WO I)
  • Archeological Museum (Antibes in the Roman era)
  • Saint Bernardin Chapel, Villa Eilenroc, School Museum, art galleries…
  • Fort Carré (star-shaped fort at the harbor, the current shape was designed by Vauban)
  • old town, covered market, cathedral (in fact: no longer a cathedral since 1244, but everybody still calls it so)
  • beach
  • harbor
  • Antibesland (amusement park), Marineland (dolphins, orcas, etc.), minigolf, swimming pool…
  • parks & nature reserves: Jardin Thuret, Fort Carré, Exflora, Eilenroc, around the Cap d'Antibes…
  • plenty of bars, restaurants and nightclubs; boutiques, a casino…

Biot (see tourst office):

  • Fernand Leger Museum
  • Municipal & Ceramic Museum
  • Glass blowers
  • Bonsai Museum
  • Old town: narrow alleys, city gates, 15th century church…
  • Art galleries, including inside the tourist office
  • Parks & nature: along the Brague river, Chêvre d'Or
  • restaurants…

Valbonne (see tourist office):

  • Old town, rectangular city plan, church and remains of monastery
  • Parks & nature: along the Brague river
  • Art galleries, including in the chapel next to the church
  • restaurants…

Mougins (see tourist office):

  • Museum of Classical Art (impressive collection of Egyptian, Greek and Roman objects, set off with art from other periods)
  • Photography museum (permanent expo of photos of Picasso; temporary expositions)
  • Old town
  • Art galleries, including the old village wash house (Lavoir)
  • Parks & nature: Etang de Fontmerle (lake), Valmasque
  • restaurants, including some gastronomic ones

Vallauris (see tourist office):

  • Picasso's “War and Peace” Chapel
  • Ceramics Museum
  • Old town
  • Art galleries


  • Morning break outside the meeting room
  • Buffet lunch in the INRIA restaurant
  • Afternoon break outside the meeting room
  • For the moment, W3C does not plan to offer a dinner (sponsors welcome!)

Agenda topics

  • Display Module: removing 'display' longhands (1hr estimate)
  • Flexbox: All the Issues, DoC review, LCWD request (half a day estimate)
  • Line Grid: publish new draft?
  • Inline: i18n issues for initial letters; split into separate module? (30min?)
  • GCPM 3: move footnotes to level 4 and go to LC? (30min?)
  • GCPM 4: initial strategy, relationship to other specs (regions, page templates, EPUB PGT) (1hr)
  • Paginated Views (perhaps as part of the GCPM 4 discussion)
  • New WD for Geometry interfaces after TAG input (krit)
  • Stacking contexts on SVG (krit)
  • Prioritize image(<color>) (krit)
  • randomize() function (krit)
  • <shape-radius> closest-side/furthest-side and calc() (krit)
  • css-animations:
  • We didn't yet formally approve the errata text for the background of the canvas.
  • CSS Text: DoC review, justification (Koji would like to join over Skype)
  • Presentation of Motion Path proposal (if time; no resolutions, krit)
  • All WDs that are older than 6 months:
    • 2014-02-20 CSS Display Module Level 3 Working Draft
    • 2014-02-18 CSS Regions Module Level 1 Working Draft
    • 2014-02-04 CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3 Last Call
    • 2014-01-16 CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3 Working Draft
    • 2013-12-17 CSSOM View Module Working Draft
    • 2013-12-05 CSS Object Model (CSSOM) Working Draft
    • 2013-11-26 CSS Transforms Module Level 1 Working Draft (request for new WD, krit)
    • 2013-11-26 Filter Effects Module Level 1 Working Draft (request for new WD, krit)
    • 2013-11-19 CSS Transitions Working Draft
    • 2013-10-10 CSS Text Module Level 3 Last Call
    • 2013-09-19 DOMMatrix interface Working Draft (request to publish as WG note, krit)
    • 2013-07-18 CSS Counter Styles Level 3 Last Call
    • 2013-05-28 CSS Exclusions Module Level 1 Working Draft
    • 2013-05-14 CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3 Working Draft
    • 2013-05-02 Selectors Level 4 Working Draft
    • 2013-04-18 CSS Overflow Module Level 3 Working Draft
    • 2013-03-14 CSS Paged Media Module Level 3 Working Draft
    • 2013-02-19 CSS Animations Working Draft
    • 2012-09-27 CSS Intrinsic & Extrinsic Sizing Module Level 3 Working Draft
    • 2012-09-11 CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 4 Working Draft
    • 2012-07-03 Fullscreen Working Draft
    • 2012-02-07 CSS Positioned Layout Module Level 3 Working Draft
    • 2012-01-17 CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI) Last Call
    • 2011-11-29 CSS Template Layout Module Working Draft
    • 2011-09-15 CSS Device Adaptation Working Draft
    • 2007-10-19 Behavioral Extensions to CSS Working Draft
    • 2007-09-05 CSS Grid Positioning Module Level 3 Working Draft
    • 2007-08-09 CSS basic box model Working Draft
    • 2004-02-24 CSS3 Hyperlink Presentation Module Working Draft
    • 2004-02-24 The CSS 'Reader' Media Type Working Draft
    • 2003-08-13 CSS3 module: Presentation Levels Working Draft
    • 2003-05-14 CSS3 Generated and Replaced Content Module Working Draft
    • 2002-05-15 CSS3 module: line Working Draft


Approximate daily schedule:

Time Description
09:00 session 1
10:30 break
10:45 session 2
12:15 lunch
13:15 session 3
15:30 break
15:45 session 4
18:00 end


  • CSS Text: DoC review, justification (Koji would like to join over Skype)
  • Display Module: removing 'display' longhands (1hr estimate)
  • We didn't yet formally approve the errata text for the background of the canvas.
  • Line Grid: publish new draft?
  • caret-color, ::selection, outline-radius
  • New WD for Geometry interfaces after TAG input (krit)
  • Stacking contexts on SVG (krit)
  • Prioritize image(<color>) (krit)
  • randomize() function (krit)
  • <shape-radius> closest-side/furthest-side and calc() (krit)
  • Presentation of Motion Path proposal (if time; no resolutions, krit)
  • Media Queries
  • All WDs that are older than 6 months


  • GCPM 3: move footnotes to level 4 and go to LC? (30min?)
  • GCPM 4: initial strategy, relationship to other specs (regions, page templates, EPUB PGT) (1hr)
  • Paginated Views (perhaps as part of the GCPM 4 discussion)
  • Inline: i18n issues for initial letters; split into separate module? (30min?)


  • Flexbox: All the Issues, DoC review, LCWD request (half a day estimate)
  • CSS Text: justification

Old WDs

  • 2014-02-20 CSS Display Module Level 3 Working Draft
  • 2014-02-18 CSS Regions Module Level 1 Working Draft
  • 2014-02-04 CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3 Last Call
  • 2014-01-16 CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3 Working Draft
  • 2013-12-17 CSSOM View Module Working Draft
  • 2013-12-05 CSS Object Model (CSSOM) Working Draft
  • 2013-11-26 CSS Transforms Module Level 1 Working Draft (request for new WD, krit)
  • 2013-11-26 Filter Effects Module Level 1 Working Draft (request for new WD, krit)
  • 2013-11-19 CSS Transitions Working Draft
  • 2013-10-10 CSS Text Module Level 3 Last Call
  • 2013-09-19 DOMMatrix interface Working Draft (request to publish as WG note, krit)
  • 2013-07-18 CSS Counter Styles Level 3 Last Call
  • 2013-05-28 CSS Exclusions Module Level 1 Working Draft
  • 2013-05-14 CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3 Working Draft
  • 2013-05-02 Selectors Level 4 Working Draft
  • 2013-04-18 CSS Overflow Module Level 3 Working Draft
  • 2013-03-14 CSS Paged Media Module Level 3 Working Draft
  • 2013-02-19 CSS Animations Working Draft
  • 2012-09-27 CSS Intrinsic & Extrinsic Sizing Module Level 3 Working Draft
  • 2012-09-11 CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 4 Working Draft
  • 2012-07-03 Fullscreen Working Draft
  • 2012-02-07 CSS Positioned Layout Module Level 3 Working Draft
  • 2012-01-17 CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI) Last Call
  • 2011-11-29 CSS Template Layout Module Working Draft
  • 2011-09-15 CSS Device Adaptation Working Draft
  • 2007-10-19 Behavioral Extensions to CSS Working Draft
  • 2007-09-05 CSS Grid Positioning Module Level 3 Working Draft
  • 2007-08-09 CSS basic box model Working Draft
  • 2004-02-24 CSS3 Hyperlink Presentation Module Working Draft
  • 2004-02-24 The CSS 'Reader' Media Type Working Draft
  • 2003-08-13 CSS3 module: Presentation Levels Working Draft
  • 2003-05-14 CSS3 Generated and Replaced Content Module Working Draft
  • 2002-05-15 CSS3 module: line Working Draft


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