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CSSWG Spec Markup

This page will eventually document the CSSWG's spec markup and serve as a manual. Currently it is serving as a scratchspace.

The style sheet that implements most of our special markup has a master on

Note that the CSSWG also uses a post-processor that generates section numbers, cross-references, indices, etc. Such macros are not documented here, but may be documented in a separate document.

Stage 1: Margins, Spacing, and Lists

The CSS specs use lists in a variety of ways:

  • as logically belonging to a paragraph (sometimes as a continuation of the last sentence in the previous paragraph, which may or may not continue in the next paragraph). (example)
  • as a paragraph-level structure (example). This is the most common.
  • as a higher-level structure that contains paragraphs. (example, example)

Definition lists in particular have several uses

  • They are used to define CSS values. (example) These should be marked up with <dt>, <dfn>, and <code>, but are often missing one or the other.
  • They are used for defining other terms, e.g. in a glossary. (example, example) These should use <dfn> also.
  • They may be used in some other random applications for which the structure is appropriate (FIXME need to track down examples).

Paragraph, heading, and list margins and spacing should be designed in a way that appropriately handles these structures.

Stage 2: Inline Styling


Stage 3: Tables


Stage 4: Notes, Issues, Examples, and other Boxen


spec/markup.1304386302.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/09 15:48 (external edit)
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