Table of Contents

Specs for paged view and paged layout

See also: Paged View

List of specifications that need to progress or be created to cover the range of known page view and page layout

Note: some of the specs in this list may merge or split, in most cases it is not noted as such; main goal of this list is completeness.

Note: ## marks items that are not existing specs, properties or terms, these are something that I think should be considered

Paged View

Specific ways to create and manipulate paged presentations

Fragmentation enablers

Use of these modules puts content in fragmented environment, but providing a complete paged view is out of scope of the modules. Can be considered building blocks for paged view.

Fragmented flow

Modules defining flow of single-source content through a sequence of finite spaces

Most CSS modules are relevant too (counters, media queries, fonts, etc.), only few are mentioned here that are new or have new behavior in page view.