Paged Media Level 4

Consider separating page model (headers/footers) and pagination/fragmentation rools. Possibly CSS Pagination or CSS Fragmentation. CSSWG has discussed options and appears to prefer a separate pagination spec, to avoid having CSS3 specs (e.g. Regions) depend on a CSS4 spec. Also, a spearate pagination spec can have its own progress on standards track, and it doesn't have to depend on CSS3 Paged Media.

Some ideas for features for a future Paged Media Level 4 spec:

proposed "Rules for Pagination into Varying-Width Pages"

see and discussion


  1. Layout is performed per-page, with each page continuing progress from the breakpoint on the previous page, but recalculating sizes assuming an initial containing block of the current page size.
  2. Intrinsic sizes are calculated and maintained across the entire element. Where an ICB size is needed, assume an initial containing block of the starting page's size.
  3. Continuations of boxes on a previous page must start at the top of the page. If this results in multiple shrinkwrapped floats side-by-side that would otherwise be staggered (if they were not continuations), the floats' widths are reduced in proportion to their original widths until they fit. However they are not reduced past their min-content width; this may result in overlap between left and right floats or side-by-side left floats overflowing the containing block.
