Virtual Meeting 5 (July 2021)


July 27, 7-10am PDT (afternoon for Europe, night for APAC)

July 29, 2-5pm PDT (morning for APAC, night for Europe)

Each meeting will be for 3 hours with hourly breaks.

Meet links: sent to member-only list, look for email titled “Dial-in Information for this week's f2f” from Tab


I have created two new milestones for sorting issues for these meetings. Please take a look at the currently-tagged “Agenda+ F2F” issues and assign a milestone if you have a meeting time preference. New issues tagged for these meetings should select a milestone.

EUR VF2F-2021-07-27

APAC VF2F-2021-07-29



Name Affiliation Tuesday Thursday
Alan Stearns Adobe yes yes
Rossen Atanassov Microsoft late yes
Miriam Suzanne Invited Expert yes maybe
Lea Verou Invited Expert yes maybe
Chris Lilley W3C yes maybe
Adam Argyle Google yes yes
fantasai Invited Expert yes yes
Daniel Holbert Mozilla yes yes
Oriol Brufau Igalia yes no
Tab Atkins-Bittner Google yes yes
David Baron Google mostly no all but last 30 minutes
Cameron McCormack Apple no yes
Myles C. Maxfield Apple yes yes
Jen Simmons Apple yes yes
Emilio Mozilla yes maybe
Rachel Andrew Invited Expert yes no
Tantek Çelik Mozilla no maybe