Radial Gradient Wars

Syntax A

  <radial-gradient> = radial-gradient(
		[<shape> || <size>]
		[<length> | <percentage>]{2}
	<color-stop>[, <color-stop>]+
Key posts:
Key Points
Things an author has to learn with this syntax, not in linear-gradient:

Syntax B

  <radial-gradient> = radial-gradient(
  	[ from <side-or-corner-or-center> ,]? 
        <color-stop>[, <color-stop>]+
  <side-or-corner-or-center> = [[left | right] || [top | bottom]] | center

If <side-or-corner-or-center> is omitted, or if it is 'center', then the gradient goes starts with the 0% color-stop in the center of the image, and the 100% color-stop aligned to the four edges. Otherwise, the gradient center is aligned with the indicated side(s), with 0% in the corner (if two sides are indicated) or in the middle of a side (if only one side is indicated) and extends out with 100% color-stop aligned to the other three sides.

If '[[center],]? circle', then the gradient's 100% color stop aligns with the two closest edges (which will be either the horizontal edges or the vertical edges). If '[[left | right] || [top | bottom]], center', then the gradient's 100% color stop aligns with the two closest edges other than those listed by the author in the color-gradient function.

The 'circle' keyword sets the intrinsic ratio of the image to 1:1.

Key posts:
Key Points:
Things an author has to learn with this syntax, not in linear-gradient:
Things an author has to learn with syntax A, not in linear-gradient:

Examples Shootout

Sample Syntax A Syntax B
Similar Math for Both radial-gradient(black 70.7%, red 70.7%, yellow) or radial-gradient(contain, black 100%, red 100%, yellow 141%) radial-gradient(black 100%, red 100%, yellow 141%)
Color stops based on image dimensions, with full coverage radial-gradient(red, black 35.35%, orange 35.35%, orange 70.7%, black 70.7%, red) or radial-gradient(contain, red, black 50%, orange 50%, orange 100%, black 100%, red 142%) radial-gradient(red, black 50%, orange 50%, orange 100%, black 100%, red 142%)
Quarter circle that goes full width Can't be done unless width is known. You can only make circles that size to the farthest side, whether it's horizontal or vertical. radial-gradient(from top left, circle, yellow, red 100%, black 100%)
Hearts Grid
  radial-gradient(60% 43%, 25px 25px, #b03 99%, transparent),
  radial-gradient(40% 43%, 25px 25px, #b03 99%, transparent),
  radial-gradient(40% 22%, 25px 25px, #d35 99%, transparent),
  radial-gradient(60% 22%, 25px 25px, #d35 99%, transparent),
  radial-gradient(50% 35%, 25px 25px, #d35 99%, transparent),
background-size:100px 100px;
  radial-gradient(#b03 24%, transparent 25%), 
  radial-gradient(#b03 24%, transparent 25%),
  radial-gradient(#d35 24%, transparent 25%),
  radial-gradient(#d35 24%, transparent 25%),
  radial-gradient(#d35 24%, transparent 25%) 
background-size:100px 100px;
background-position: 60px 43px, 
                     40px 43px, 
                     40px 22px, 
                     60px 22px, 
                     50px 35px;
Spotlight effect
  radial-gradient(<set by script to the mouse position>, 
                  transparent 100px, rgba(0,0,0,.5) 100px, black 200px)
                  transparent 100px, rgba(0,0,0,.5) 100px, black 200px);
background-size: 200% 200%;
background-position: <set by script to the inverse of the mouse position>;