====== Publish WD of the CSS compositing and blending specification ====== ---- dataentry ---- Spec_tags : css-compositing #in alpha order; or "none" Owner_tags : cabanier #Who's driving the discussion? Status_tags : Resolved #[ Open | Resolved | Closed | Pending ] [, Urgent]? Added_dt : 2012-07-27 #Date added as WG discussion request Action : Publish WD of the CSS compositing and blending specification Proposal_urls : https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/FXTF/rawfile/tip/compositing/index.html ---- === Background === The CSS blending and compositing spec was approved as a WD on 2012-07-25 by the SVG Working group. Since this spec is part of the FX working group and it primarily introduces new CSS keywords, it also need to be approved by the CSS WG. === Proposal(s) === Please move the spec to working draft.