======Specs for paged view and paged layout====== //See also: [[page-view|Paged View]]// List of specifications that need to progress or be created to cover the range of known page view and page layout Note: some of the specs in this list may merge or split, in most cases it is not noted as such; main goal of this list is completeness. Note: ## marks items that are not existing specs, properties or terms, these are something that I think should be considered =====Paged View===== Specific ways to create and manipulate paged presentations * [##] CSS Paged View: “overflow:paged” and OM for pages * Defines paged presentation for element content * OM for page navigation and page access * “overflow:paged” can apply to non-flow controls (multiline flexbox, table) * [##] Page Templates * Depending on approach, may or may not be in scope of CSS * Some ideas in [[spec:css3-region-templates|CSS Region Templates]] * Non-CSS * Page View in UA (may not need a separate spec but should have a definition and requirements) =====Fragmentation enablers===== Use of these modules puts content in fragmented environment, but providing a complete paged view is out of scope of the modules. Can be considered building blocks for paged view. * [css3-multicol] CSS Muti-column Layout * [css3-regions] CSS Regions =====Fragmented flow ===== Modules defining flow of single-source content through a sequence of finite spaces * [css3-page] CSS2.1 paged media * General pagination behavior * Control page properties from content (page size, named pages) * Page model (margin boxes) * [css3-break] CSS Fragmentation Controls * [css3-positioining] CSS Positioned Layout: defines “position:page” (‘column’, ‘spread’, ‘region’ to match [css3-break]) * Creates page-level floats (with [css3-exclusions]) * [##] CSS3 Floats: defines algorithms for resolving page float conflicts * Requires (and may merge with) [css3-exclusions],[css3-positioning], gcpm floats * [css3-gcpm] CSS Generated Content for Paged Media * Page-specific content: headers, footers, footnotes, bookmarks * Page floats become CSS3 Floats * [css3-grid-align] Grid Layout * Should apply to page templates, to let each page has its own grid * [css3-grid] Grid positioning (or include in [css3-positioning]) * Define a way to position floats on page grid * [css-line-grid] CSS Line Grid * Important for visual alignment of text across columns and regions =====Related ===== * [css3-exclusions] CSS Exclusions and Shapes * Required for CSS3 Floats * [css-variables] CSS Variables * Useful for page values (TOC, cross-references, counters, footnotes) * “page marker” for custom region-based pages * discussed with various names ('region-type', 'break-type', 'page-view-role'... with values "page|column|none" and possibly custom names) * May belong to [css3-break] Most CSS modules are relevant too (counters, media queries, fonts, etc.), only few are mentioned here that are new or have new behavior in page view.