====== Specification Issues and Planning ======
The CSSWG is tasked with maintenance of the CSS specs and working drafts. Problems reported to us will be addressed by the editors, possibly after discussion in a CSS Working Group meeting, and will result in changes, corrections, clarifications, or no change.
The group uses GitHub for issue tracking, in [[https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/|csswg-drafts]], [[https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts/|fxtf-drafts]], [[https://github.com/w3c/css-houdini-drafts/|css-houdini-drafts]].
Previously, issues were reported to the [[http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/|www-style mailing list]], which was periodically scoured for issues. You can view old discussions there, including open issues in some of the less well-maintained specs. Also, some issues tracked in [[https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/describecomponents.cgi?product=CSS|Bugzilla]] or [[http://w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/|Tracker]] have yet to be migrated to GH.
The [[planning/status|Status page]] tracks outstanding resolutions. Editors, please clear them out when you're done dealing with the resolution.
====== Specification Editing ======
* [[tools:hg|W3C Mercurial For Dummies]] --- reading/writing to the spec repositories
* [[https://w3c.github.io/workflow.html|GitHub Workflow]] for editors and other contributors
* [[tools:bikeshed]] --- generating ''Overview.html'' from ''Overview.bs'' (auto-generating section numbers, indices, cross-links, and other mundane things). (Or here's a guide for the [[tools:spec-processor|older processor]].)
* [[http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-module-bikeshed/Overview.bs|CSS Module Template]] --- for starting new specs (and formatting old ones)
* [[spec:format-update]] --- for updating existing specs to our latest "specs should include"
* [[spec:check]] -- checking your spec is good to go
* [[spec:publish]] --- getting your spec on www.w3.org
* [[spec:widereview]] --- ensuring wide review of a spec before CR
* [[spec:issue-tracking]] --- raising your newborn draft into a grown-up spec
* [[spec:process|Process suggestions for advancing a spec]] --- guidelines for when to advance your spec to the next stage
* [[spec:teststatus|Test status information on spec]] --- adding information about testing status on the spec
* [[spec:levels|Specification levels]] -- which levels to publish each spec as
* [[spec:REC-maintenance|Maintaining RECs]] -- proposed process for adding substantive changes to RECs
====== Coordination between specifications ======
* [[spec:dfn-patterns|Marking up your s for proper cross-linking]]
* [[spec:cssom-constants|CSSOM Constants]]
* [[spec:computed-values|Patterns for writing "Computed Value" lines]]
* [[spec:at-rules-patterns|Patterns for writing at-rules]]
* [[spec:property-dependencies|Property dependencies]] in computed values
* [[spec:calc-and-percentages|Specifying Percentages in the Age of Calc()]]
* [[spec:om-apis|Patterns for writing CSSOM APIs]]
* [[spec:limited-ranges|Specifying Limited Ranges in Properties and Elsewhere]]
* [[spec:async-algos|Writing Asynchronous Algorithms]]
* [[spec:promises|Using Promises in Specifications]]
====== Coordination between standards groups ======
* [[http://code.google.com/p/epub-revision/wiki/AdvancedAdaptiveLayoutCharter|EPub Stuff]]
* [[http://www.w3.org/community/ppl/wiki/Western_Layout_Requirements|Western Layout Requirements]], outlining the advanced printing stuff that XSL-FO does and which we'd like to address in CSS
* [[spec:incubation|Incubation considerations]]
====== Scratch Space for Specs ======
See [[http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/current-work|Current Work Tables]] for current status. These pages are just scratch space for the editors to track ideas.
* [[spec:css2.1|CSS Level 2 Revision 1]] - Archived / Not active
* [[spec:css2.2|CSS level 2 Revision 2]]
* [[spec:css3-color|CSS Color Module Level 3]]
* [[spec:css3-selectors|Selectors Level 3]]
* [[spec:css-multicol|CSS Multi-Column Layout Module Level 3]]
* [[spec:mediaqueries|Media Queries Level 3]]
* [[spec:css-style-attr|CSS Style Attributes]]
* [[spec:css3-background|CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3]]
* [[spec:css3-ui|CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3]]
* [[spec:css3-images:lc-2012|CSS Images Level 3]]
* [[spec:css3-transforms|CSS Transforms Level 3]]
* [[spec:css3-transitions|CSS Transitions Level 3]]
* [[spec:css3-animations|CSS Animations Level 3]]
* [[spec:cssom|CSSOM - CSS Object Module]]
* [[spec:css3-flexbox|CSS Flexbox Module]]
* [[spec:css3-lists|CSS Lists Module Level 3]]
* [[spec:css3-regions|CSS Regions Module Level 3]]
* [[spec:css-ruby|CSS3 Ruby Module]] (out of date CR, back to WD for major revisions)
* [[spec:css3-text|CSS Text Module Level 3]]
* [[spec:css3-values|CSS Values and Units Module Level 3]]
* [[spec:css3-writing-modes|CSS Writing Modes Level 3]]
* [[spec:css3-speech|CSS Speech Module Level 3]]
* [[spec:css3-grid-layout|CSS Grid Layout]]
* [[spec:css3-exclusions|CSS Exclusions]]
* [[spec:css-shapes|CSS Shapes]]
* [[spec:css-round-display|CSS Round Display]]
* [[spec:css-backgrounds-4]]
* [[spec:css-pseudo-4|CSS Pseudo Elements Level 4]] (collecting features and ideas)
* [[spec:css4-color|CSS Color Level 4]] (collecting features and ideas)
* [[spec:css4-ui|CSS User Interface Module Level 4]] (collecting features and ideas)
* [[spec:vendor-prefixes|CSS vendor prefixes]] (collecting thoughts about policy/guidance on usage, dropping etc.)
* [[spec:css4-page|CSS Paged Media Level 4]] (or CSS Pagination, or CSS Fragmentation)
* [[spec:page-view|Paged View]] (use cases for paged view and page layout)
* [[spec:text4|Text Level 4]] (why isn't this "css4-text"?) (can't we just move this to "css4-text"?)
* [[spec:selectors|Selectors Level Next]]
* [[spec:css3-overflow|CSS Overflow Level 3]]
* [[spec:box-orphans|Box-model-related features with no home]]
* [[spec:css3-position|CSS Positioning]]
* [[spec:mediaqueries4|Media Queries Level 4]]
* [[spec:css3-cascade|CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 3]]
* [[http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/products/33|CSS4 Values and Units]]
* [[spec:css3-break|CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3]]
* Pages related to content fragmentation, regions, exclusions, paged views etc:
* [[spec:page-view|paged view]]
* [[spec:page-specs|page specs]]
* [[spec:css3-regions|regions]]
* [[spec:css3-exclusions|exclusions]]
* [[spec:css3-region-templates|region templates]]
* [[spec:fragments-columns-regions-pages|fragments columns regions pages]]
* [[spec:font-load-events|Font Load Events]]
* [[spec:css-regions-4|CSS Regions Module Level 4]]
* [[spec:css-flexbox-2|CSS Flexbox Level 2]]
* [[spec:css4-ui|CSS UI Level 4]]
* [[spec:css-grid-2]]
* [[spec:css-ruby-2|CSS Ruby Level 2]]
* [[spec:css3-box|CSS Box Module Level 3]]
* [[spec:css3-content|CSS Generated Content Module Level 3]]
* [[spec:css-fonts|CSS Fonts]]
* [[spec:css-scoping|CSS Scoping]]
====== Specification Reviews ======
Tracking CSSWG members' comments on related specs not published by our group.
* [[spec:reviews:svgtiny1.2|SVG Tiny 1.2]]
* [[spec:reviews:html5|HTML5]]