====== CSSWG meeting at TPAC 2024 ====== [[https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/|TPAC 2024]] is scheduled for **23-27 September 2024** in Anaheim, California, United States with options for both in-person and remote participation. * CSSWG F2F: **Thursday-Friday, 26-27 September 09:00-18:00**. * Monday 23 Sep, 09:00 - 10:30, joint meeting with Immersive Web WG (canceled) * Monday 23 Sep, 14:00 - 16:00, joint meeting with WHATWG * Monday 23 Sep, 16:30 - 18:00, joint meeting with Accessible Platform Architectures WG * Tuesday 24 Sep, 09:30 – 12:30, Styleable form controls (CSS, WHATWG, OpenUI) * Tuesday 24 Sep, 16:30 - 18:00, joint meeting with Internationalization WG * Weather Forecast: [[http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?smap=1&lat=33.801&lon=-117.918&unit=1&mp=1|⁰C]] or [[http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?smap=1&lat=33.801&lon=-117.918&unit=0&mp=1|⁰F]] ===== Covid Protocols ===== ([[https://log.csswg.org/irc.w3.org/css/2024-07-24/#e1636894|resolved]] on July 24) * Masks required in the meeting room Thursday and Friday, can be removed only while actively eating/drinking * COVID testing before arrival, and daily before meetings * Outdoor dining encouraged, weather permitting * Strong recommendation to wear a mask during your entire travel journey (onboard a flight, train or federally-regulated vessel, as well as in airports and other points of entry) except for brief periods while eating, drinking, or taking oral medication, or unless otherwise exempt ===== Agenda ===== https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/122/views/1?layout=board ===== Participants ===== ==== In-Person ==== **Please note that signing up here is not enough; you must [[https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/registration.html|register]] for TPAC itself (see [[https://www.w3.org/register/tpac2024/registrants#meeting-290|registrants list]]).** Also see the TPAC-wide [[https://www.w3.org/wiki/MeetingTaxis|Meeting Taxis]] wiki. (sorted by first name) | **Name** | **Affiliation** | **Dates** | **Accomodation** | **Other** | | Alan Stearns | Adobe | | | | | Alison Maher | Microsoft | All | Sheraton Park | | | Andreu Botella | Igalia | All | | | | David Baron | Google | All | ? | arrive LAX Sun 15:18, depart LAX Fri 21:30 | | Emilio Cobos | Mozilla | | | | | Eric Meyer | Igalia | | | | | fantasai | Apple | All | Venue | | | Kevin Babbitt | Microsoft | All | Sheraton Park | | | Noam Rosenthal | Google | All | | | | Rachel Andrew | Google | All | | | | Rob Flack | Google | All | | | | Tantek Çelik | Mozilla | All | | [[https://tantek.com/|@tantek.com@tantek.com]] | | Tim Nguyen | Apple | All | | | | Yehonatan Daniv | Wix | All | Venue | | ==== Remote ==== | **Name** | **Affiliation** | **Timezone** | **PDT (UTC-7) Availability** | **Other Notes** | | Rune Lillesveen | Google | CET | Before lunch | | | Daniel Holbert | Mozilla | PDT | 9am-1pm, 2:30pm-5pm | | ==== Regrets ==== | **Name** | **Affiliation** | ==== CSSWG TPAC Registrant List ==== [[https://www.w3.org/register/tpac2024/registrants#meeting-290|CSSWG registrants list]]