====== Round Display Examples ====== Please add examples of round displays here. Both with web content demos, and any screenshots / photographs of *any* round displays seen in the wild. * A weather application which shows different UIs depending on the shape of a display. * In a rectangular shape: http://anawhj.github.io/jRound/demo/weather/index_rect.html * In a circular shape: http://anawhj.github.io/jRound/demo/weather/index.html * A facebook application designed for the round display * http://anawhj.github.io/jRound/demo/facebook/circle.html * Samsung Wearable Design Principle * http://developer.samsung.com/gear/design/principle#wearable * Alcatel Watch UX * https://medium.com/user-experience-design-1/alcatel-watch-ux-f721a88bff33#.7cs13kuk3 * Moto 360 UX * http://www.motorola.com/us/software/moto-360-software.html * Design concept for showing the notification messages on the wearables * https://www.behance.net/gallery/19204347/UX-for-Wearables * An animation on the rounded display * https://www.behance.net/gallery/TAPE-Watchface/25097101